22:37 Jun 6, 2024
'Taobat is a village in Sharda Tehsil in the Neelam Valley of Pakistan. It is located 200 kilometres (120 mi) from Muzaffarabad and 39 kilometres (24 mi) from Kel. It is the last station in Neelam valley. It is also the nearest location from where Neelam River enters Pakistani territory and becomes River Neelum. Taobat is accessible from Kel by unmetalled road  Arang Kel is a village and tourist spot in the Neelam valley of Kashmir, Pakistan. It is located on the hilltop above Kel at an altitude of 8,379 feet (2,554 m). The village is accessible by a 2-kilometre (1.2 mi) trek from Kel. It can also be accessed by a kilometre-long chairlift administrated by the Local Government and Rural Development Department and supervised by Pakistan Army. To reach Kel, people usually enter the Neelam valley from Muzafarabad. After taking a ride from the chairlift you have to take an approximately 30 Minutes hike to the village.    Checkout Adeel\'s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/adeelthetourist ----------- Business: streetfoodpk@gmail.com ------------ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/streetfoodpk​​​​​​​ Follow: https://instagram.com/streetfoodpk​​​  Like: Like: https://www.facebook.com/Street-Food-PK-104110308570203' 

Tags: Recipe , breakfast , Food , beautiful , Travel , Organic , India , Natural , pakistan , day , indian , foodie , traditional , culture , sunday , lahore , famous , delhi , Eat , old , nashta , street food , beef , Mutton , street , tikka , pakistani , 15 august , mumbai , Bombay , Dhaka , independence , loc , border , karachi , dilli , mark weins , halwa , nihari , aamchi , peshawar , lassi , line of control , old Delhi , Nahari , Kashmir , sajji , nalli , Srinagar , kashmiri , wazwan , cusine , Gilgit , indo pak , azadi , baqra eid , Jashan , 14 August , Muzaffarabad , wazvan , wadi e kashmir

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